small business marketing

That Solo Life Podcast: Quarantine Check-in

In today’s episode of That Solo Life, my podcasting partner — the amazingly talented Karen Swim of Solo PR Pro — and I are checking in on YOU. We hope you are staying healthy and weathering the physical, mental, and economic storm of COVID-19. All you can do right now is your best, moment by moment. Remember to be kind to yourself - focus isn’t easily kept these days. Tell us how you’re doing!

Facebook & Video = Small Business Advantage


Are you using video to the advantage of your small business? Does the idea of using video to promote your business sound intimidating?

While you do want anything you present about your business to be of good quality, you can use video without breaking your budget. By starting with simple educational videos to allow potential customers to have their first experience in dealing with you, you're well on your way toward accomplishing the goals of know, like and trust.

Facebook recently published these 10 Tips on getting the most out of sharing your videos via their popular social media channel.

Stay tuned for an update on our VoiceMatters' clients are using video to generate new leads and strengthen existing customer relationships.

Coming to Our Senses: Using All Five to Reach Customers

Reaching customers via all five of our senses - taste, touch, sight, sound and smell - brings to mind old school gimmicks like Smell-O-Vision

Happy Independence Day, Small Business Owner!

Well, ok, I'll wish a Happy Independence Day to all of us in the United States, but a special "independence day" to those of us who have embraced the all-American spirit of can-do and started a small business.

According to a recent study by Manta, small business success is on the rise and 72% of small business owners are happier with the freedom being the boss provides, even if 21% did acknowledge that they also carry more responsibility and less independence as a result.

As the infographic below shows, two of the largest barriers to small business success are economic conditions and marketing to find new customers.  

Courtesy of

I started my small business providing integrated marketing services and public relations to meet the needs of the small business owner who knows marketing is essential to success, but that hiring an employee or creating an in-house department doesn't fit the budget.  Let's talk about how we can help each other banish these barriers to small business ownership freedom and make every day Independence Day.


Is Your Online Refrigerator Stocked? How to Find Fresh Content

Summer is finally here. This usually means trips to the farmer's market and refrigerators stocked full of fresh produce from local farmers. You have everything you need to create a delicious summer menu.

This may sound strange, but finding fresh content to share on your blog and social media channels isn't all that different.  Even when the big sale is over or that long-term project is complete, there's always something to talk about via everyday occurences and items all around you. 

Take a moment and look around your office or your store.  When was the last time you shared a photo or talked about the benefits of one of your products? Or when was the last time you shared a slice of office life? 

Our client, Chrysalis Hair Design, will from time to time feature their products in their Instagram and Facebook feeds. They recently redesigned their storefront to remind customers to take care of their hair in the sun and sand this summer. All it took was a simple photo to communicate this:

Maybe it's something you're working on today. Are you using summertime to plan for the fall? Talk about it.  What do you customers have to look forward to? 

Pampered Pets Grooming Salon and Spa is another example of how sharing the everyday activity of your business can yield solid results.  Here's another happy four-legged customer.

This sharing of content isn't random, it's a strategy in and of itself. The more your customers and prospective clients see from and about you, the more they will likely trust you, remember you, refer you, do business with you. 

Take a moment out of your day and tell your audience what's going on.  If doing so on an ongoing, consistent basis sounds like one more thing you'd rather not handle, we've love to talk to you. Reach out via email to or give us a call at 267-236-3607.