
You Don't Know What You Don't Know.

Establishing the value you bring to a potential customer is often the most difficult challenge in business development. There are so many DIY options out there - TurboTax brings tax preparation to your laptop so you don't need an accountant. Quickbooks and I are getting along just fine, thanks, no need to hire a bookkeeper. Everyone's using social media, so who needs to pay someone to promote my business on those channels. And on and on.

This can be true for some, in certain cases. But building a business is complex. It requires energy, focus, and strategy

Where is this post coming from? Well, 'tis the season - tax season - and in a recent meeting with my accountant we had the conversation that inspired this post. We talked about how each business has a rich value to provide its customers, that not everyone is able to do everything for themselves and end up with efficient and positive results. In one sentence, she said, "You don't know what you don't know."

Good one.

I don't know how to do what my plumber does, or my hair stylist why should it be any different with your marketing and PR strategy? Money and time are precious to every business owner. While hiring a communications consultant may seem like an unaffordable expense, there's a certain expertise I bring to the table. Plus, when I work with someone, I partner with them. I want to see your business succeed not solely for the benefit of my bank account. I still believe that when your business does well, we all do well. I bring the experience in my field and the objective eye that best benefits you, and your bottom line.

My accountant, by the way, is Catherine Ponist. If you are in need of a firm that will guide you through the tax terrain of business ownership with calm, ease and expertise, contact her. I also have to thank my business coach, Paula Gregorowicz of The Paula G Company, for referring me to her. Paula is also excellent at partnering with you, providing a much-needed objectivity and knack for focusing on the productive "next steps" of building a business.

So, what is your "You Don't Know What You Don't Know?" Let's talk about it in the comments.

Blogging. Why Bother?

We're big fans of blogging for business. Why? Here are just a few things a blog can do to build your business:
- Make your customers feel familiar with you before they even visit your store or office.
- Establish your credibility within your industry.
- Allow you to provide value to potential customers, making them more likely to become customers.
In fact, a blog is a valuable asset to your business. In this piece from Mark W. Schaefer, he points out that while the "comments" section of your blog isn't on fire with activity, that alone isn't evidence that your business blog isn't worth the time and effort.
Perhaps the most pointed reason among the 10 he lists is this:
A cost-effective sales call — You might not be able to visit your customer every week or every month but a blog is an excellent way to provide a constant drip-drip-drip of communication to remind them of your products, services, and why you’re special.  If they don’t read your blog, re-purpose the content in customer newsletters and sales materials.
From increased SEO to public relations, a business blog is a wise invesment. Not sure where to begin? VoiceMatters, LLC is happy to help; contact us today!