Twitter announced yesterday that users can now tag Twitter users and add up to four photos within a single tweet. A move that could be interpreted as an answer to Facebook's recent acquisition of Instagram, this new Twitter feature allows you to tag up to 10 people in a tweet without sacrificing precious 140 character space. You will also receive a notification each time you are tagged - yet another reason to check your Twitter account, no doubt.
With Twitter's new feature, tagging up to 10 Twitter users & adding up to 4 photos to a single tweet is now possible.
This feature is currently available on the Twitter iOS and Android mobile app. According to, Twitter has indicated also eventually bringing this to the web and allowing the feature to be used in third party Twitter apps, good news to those of us who use the many available options such as Tweetdeck, TweetCaster, Hootsuite, etc.
What do you think of this new feature? If you're not yet on Twitter, will it lead you to try it? If you're already on Twitter, will it drive you to use the native app or will you wait for it to come to the third party apps?