business development

Cultivate Business at the Annual Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Expo - October 8, 2013


The Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce's annual Business Expo is always a great time to network and strengthen business relationships.
VoiceMatters, LLC will be there, co-presenting one of the seminars - "Content Marketing: What the Heck is That?" with Betsy Roush of Peaceful Living.
In addition to the chance to spruce up your LinkedIn look by having your head shot taken by Randy Davis of Evolution Photography at a great price, the Expo promises the aforementioned seminar and two others - Business Apps for Productivity and Master the Art of Networking - as well as a business card exchange from 5-6pm.


It all takes place from 1-6pm Tuesday, October 8th at the Indian Valley Country Club, 650 Bergey Road, Telford, PA 18969.

Hope to see you there!


Blogging. Why Bother?

We're big fans of blogging for business. Why? Here are just a few things a blog can do to build your business:
- Make your customers feel familiar with you before they even visit your store or office.
- Establish your credibility within your industry.
- Allow you to provide value to potential customers, making them more likely to become customers.
In fact, a blog is a valuable asset to your business. In this piece from Mark W. Schaefer, he points out that while the "comments" section of your blog isn't on fire with activity, that alone isn't evidence that your business blog isn't worth the time and effort.
Perhaps the most pointed reason among the 10 he lists is this:
A cost-effective sales call — You might not be able to visit your customer every week or every month but a blog is an excellent way to provide a constant drip-drip-drip of communication to remind them of your products, services, and why you’re special.  If they don’t read your blog, re-purpose the content in customer newsletters and sales materials.
From increased SEO to public relations, a business blog is a wise invesment. Not sure where to begin? VoiceMatters, LLC is happy to help; contact us today!